Testing limits

Sometimes Nathan is hard to deal with. There are times when I KNOW for a FACT he understands what I’m saying, yet he pretends like he doesn’t. Why does he do that? To test his limits and see how much he can get away with? I’ve got my hands full with this one, I tell …


Time Out!

“Nathan, does you dump truck belong on the kitchen counter?” I asked Nathan as he rolled his dump truck all along my freshly cleaned, pristine counter. I am now wary of him rolling his toys along surfaces where I put food after the pooping incident we had just the other day. “No?” he said as …


When Mommy is more than just a Mommy

So this morning, Nathan and I were playing with his firetruck. “Firetrucks are pretty cool, huh?” I said as I rolled the truck around. “Firetruck!” Nathan said as he pointed to his truck. When I started making the siren noises, though, he pointed to me and exclaimed, “FireMOMMY!”
