The good life

I can’t believe my sweet boys are growing up so fast! Nathan is already five years old and John is 9.5 months old! Nathan is talking so well now. Up until he started preschool, he was talking but not quite on the same level as other kids his age. Now he talks up a storm, …


Our beautiful life

It’s been busy, busy, busy around here. From still getting up 1-3 times a night with the baby, to driving Nathan to and from school, to cleaning and organizing, to reorganizing the baby’s room and Nathan’s room, and just about everything in between! Nathan finally got himself a big boy’s bed (as in, a regular twin-sized bed) so …


Thanksgiving is almost here!

We’re really looking forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow! We’re super excited about seeing our family tomorrow- Nathan’s really looking forward to seeing his grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, and some cousins who will all be getting together for a delicious feast. I plan on completely gorging myself! Yes, I have no shame! It’s been pretty cold here, and we actually woke …
