Nathan’s Mommy is…

…feeling exhausted. The past few days have been really rough around here. And not just because Nathan is still fighting his napping schedule, but also because I had to have surgery. I debated whether or not I should even mention it to the Internet. I’m a pretty private person when it comes to things like …


Torture: An American Pastime

NY Nears Ban on Shackling the Pregnant- Crime & Courts- How barbaric! I’m apalled that anyone would have the audacity to shackle a pregnant woman. Believe me, a woman in the throes of labor and childbirth will not be able to escape; shackles are completely pointless and atrocious.


A Harrowing Experience Called…. Childbirth

It shouldn’t be. Seriously. Childbirth is a natural thing… women have been birthing for thousands, if not millions, of years. The medical field of today agrees with a roaring “that’s right, folks!” but their actions say otherwise.   They strap you down to a bed via blood-pressure machines, IV lines, and fetal monitoring devices, rendering you immobile and in …
