The race is on

Racing! I can’t help but smile every time I look at this picture. He’s just so adorable with his curly hair and legs that don’t reach the pedals. It won’t be long before he can play this for real without having to sit in his daddy’s lap. (Before I took the picture, he sat in …


Rise and shine!

Nathan is more of a morning person, very much like his daddy. Paul practically jumps out of bed in the mornings, jumping for joy and whistling. Yes, you read that correctly. He whistles in the morning. I, on the other hand, have to will myself to sit up and slowly crawl out of bed. I’ve never …


One cool kid

He’s such a good sport and playfully let me take pictures of him with a pair of sunglasses on. This kid is such a ham… he loves the camera, loves having his picture taken, and insists on looking at the pictures when we’re done.  Sometimes he’ll even approach me first, asking “Pictures? Please?” in an …
